Year Built
1 to 3
Sq. Ft.
832 to 1,703
Building Overview
Explore the charm of Brickell Townhouse, a classic Miami condo developed by Jerry Gross & Larry Mendelson (Brickell Townhouse Inc.) Located at 2451 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33129, USA, this 21-story building built in 1963 houses 359 units available in 1-3 bedroom configurations, with sizes ranging from 832 to 1,703 square feet. Enjoy the vibrant Brickell lifestyle, with South Beach, Miami International Airport, and other city attractions within easy reach.
Learn more about the condo building
Condo Condition and Financial Stability
Know the Facts Before You Buy - Learn About the Condo's Current Condition, Future Plans, Reserves for Unexpected Repairs, Special Assessments, and Recertification Date
Information provided by Mortgage Bolt, and may not be accurate or updated.
Building Features and Monthly Costs
Discover the Building's Offerings, Rental and Pet Restrictions, and what's included in the Monthly Dues
Tennis Courts
State-of-the-art gym
2 jacuzzis
Barbecue grills
Tiki huts
Relaxation lounge
24-Hour Security
Convenience store
Property Management Company
Company name
Phone Number
Please be advised that the data and information provided on this landing page about Miami condos have been collected from various online sources. While we strive to maintain accuracy and relevance, there may be inaccuracies, omissions, or outdated details beyond our control. We recommend conducting thorough research and verifying all information independently before making any decisions or commitments based on the content provided. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented, and we disclaim any liability for actions taken based on the information herein.
Last Updated
January 21, 2025 at 11:23:45 PM
Brickell Townhouse
2451 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33129, USA
Brickell Townhouse
2451 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33129, USA